Hello, there!

I'm Candy Clark and I am a UX Researcher (and sometimes designer). I study how people, products, and processes interact. I’m at my best when I’m making complex problems make sense.

Aligning Content Delivery to Improve Access

Bringing a 4.9⭐️ App to Market in 3 Months

Launching a New $4.9M Care Service

Improving a Service Blueprint to Decrease Processing Time by 80%

Improving Invoice Processing Time

Aligning Business and Dev to Migrate a Critical Feature

Details for these projects will be available here on the site soon! For now, the process is documented in Miro.

Candy has a unique ability to take the very fuzzy and unclear and distill it into the insightful, concrete, and actionable. She shares her findings early and often, cultivating collaboration with PMs, designers, developers, marketers, and more.

-Emma, Product Manager

She approaches user problems with a non-biased curiosity that often results in discovery of out-of-the box solutions that positively impact users.

-Jennie, Product Designer

Underlying all of Candy's skills is her incredible warmth and care to every project and interaction. I felt it every time I joined a user interview in the way she talked with participants and empathized with them, cultivating trust and openness in their responses.

-Brittany, Product Designer